

Today's Point

Unit 11〜15では、部下とのコミュニケーションに必要な表現を学習します。
adviser 上司だからといって、部下に対してあまりに直接的、かつ、命令調で伝えてしまうと、人間関係に支障をきたす可能性があります。今日は、柔らかな口調で部下に『依頼』する表現を学習しましょう。
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Story of the Day

Ken : Hi Jose.
Can you come in for a minute?
ケン : やあ、ホセ。
Jose : Sure. ホセ : はい。
Ken : I need to talk to you about the ABC Company project.
We need somebody to prepare a proposal for the project.
Do you think you can handle that?
ケン : ABC社のプロジェクトの件で話があるんだけど。
Jose : Okay. Can you give me details? ホセ : わかりました。詳細を教えていただけますか?
Ken : I’ll fill you in later by email. ケン : 後でメールで説明するね。

icon time

Quick Advice

“Can you handle that?”「これに対応できますか?」と直接的に尋ねるよりも、”Do you think”を前に置き、語順を置き換えて、”Do you think you can handle that?”とすると、「あなたはこれに対応できると思いますか?」と、間接的になり柔らかな印象を与えることができます。
adviser 親しい友人、同僚、部下に対しても、依頼内容によってはかなり丁寧な表現を使うケースがあります。以下、カジュアルからフォーマルな表現を順に記載します。
  • 命令形:
    “Help me move the furniture.”
  • “can“や”will”を使う疑問文:
    “Can you help me move the furniture?”
  • “could”や”would”を使う疑問文:
    “Could you help me move the furniture?”
  • “I would… if you could ~.”「もしあなたが~なら、私は…です」を使う:
    “I would appreciate it if you could help me move the furniture.”

Key Phrase


Repeat after your teacher.

Do you think you can handle that?

Vocabulary / Expression


Repeat after your teacher.

  • come in
  • proposal
  • handle
  • details
  • fill you in

Exercise A

エクササイズ A

Read the conversation aloud with your teacher. Fill in the blanks with a, b and c.
After that, fill in the blanks with your own words and practice the conversation with your teacher.

下記の会話の空欄に、a, b, cそれぞれの言葉を入れて、先生と一緒に音読してみましょう。

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Ken : I need to talk to you about the ABC Company project.
We need somebody to prepare a proposal.
Do you ______? (a. think you could do that b. have time to do that c. know someone who could handle that)
Jose : Okay. Can you give me the details?
Ken : I’ll ______. (a. explain at the meeting b. give you a breakdown by email c. let you know later)

Exercise B

エクササイズ B (Vocabulary Building)

Choose the correct word from the box.

  • come in
  • proposal
  • handle
  • details
  • fill you in
  1. I don’t have time to tell you everything. I’ll ____ ___ __ later by email.
  2. Please take note of all the ______ of today’s meeting.
  3. He just came out from the hospital. I don’t think he can _____ work right now.
  4. I am done making the ______. We are ready for tomorrow’s business meeting.
  5. Can I ____ __?

Exercise C

エクササイズ C

Situation : You are the CEO of ABC Company and you need help on a report. Ask the manager (your teacher) to help you on making the report.

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