
「提案書がよくできていたよ」と、 ケンがホセを褒めています。ケン、意外と?褒め上手なんだね。

Today's Point

adviser ビジネスでも日常でも、「人を上手に褒めてやる気にさせる」ことは重要なスキルのひとつです。直接的な表現が好まれる英語圏では、特に良いことはハッキリと言葉に表すと喜ばれます。例えば、相手がいい仕事をしたときには、“Good job!” “Great job!”などと声をかけましょう。
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Story of the Day

Ken : You did a great job with the proposal, Jose.
I’m impressed.
ケン : 提案書がとても良くできてたね、ホセ。
Jose: Thanks. I’m glad to hear that. ホセ : ありがとうございます。そういってもらって嬉しいですよ。
Ken : I thought it was very clear and concise.
Keep up the good work!
ケン : とても明確で簡潔だったと思うよ。

icon time

Quick Advice



✔ “Good!”
✔ “Very good!”
✔ “Excellent!”
✔ “Great!” (Goodよりも強い表現で、こちらの方がよく使われます。この場合は“very”は付けません)
✔ “(You did) a good/great Job!” 「いい仕事したよ」
✔ “You're really improving.” 「とてもよくなってるよ」
✔ “Keep up the good work.” 「この調子でいこう」

Key Phrase


Repeat after your teacher.

You did a good job with the proposal.
Keep up the good work!

Vocabulary / Expression


Repeat after your teacher.

  • impressed
  • concise
  • keep up
  • great job
  • clear

Exercise A

エクササイズ A

Read the conversation aloud with your teacher. Fill in the blanks with a, b and c.
After that, fill in the blanks with your own words and practice the conversation with your teacher.

下記の会話の空欄に、a, b, cそれぞれの言葉を入れて、先生と一緒に音読してみましょう。

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Ken : You ______ with that proposal, Jose. (a. did an excellent job b. really impressed me c. knocked it out of the park)
Jose: Thanks. I’m glad to hear that.
Ken : ______! (a. Fantastic work b. You really have a talent for this c. Keep it up)

Exercise B

エクササイズ B (Vocabulary Building)

Choose the correct word from the box.

  • impressed
  • concise
  • keep up
  • great job
  • clear
  1. You’re doing a _____ ___! Keep it up!
  2. You kept explanations short. Your report is _______.
  3. The clients really liked your presentation. ____ __ the good work!
  4. The instructions are not _____. I still don’t know how to use this product.
  5. I was _______ by the performance. It was really amazing.

Exercise C

エクササイズ C

Situation : The client really liked your associate's presentation. Congratulate him/her for doing a good job.

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