

Today's Point

〈助動詞の過去形would/could/should/might + have + 過去分詞〉は、『過去の事実と反対の仮定や願望』を表現する際に使います。この用法を「仮定法過去完了」と言います。
adviser 例えば、助動詞“should”「~すべきだ」を使って、比較してみましょう。“You should tell me.”は、「私に伝えるべきだ」という意味ですが、“You should have told me.”は、「私に伝えるべきだった(でも実際には、伝えていない)」となります。
adviser また、”I could have helped you.“は、「君を助けることができたのに(でも実際には、助けることができなかった)」という意味になります。
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Story of the Day

Ken : There is something else I’d like to talk to you about. ケン : それとはまた別に話があります。
Jose : What is it? ホセ : 何ですか?
Ken : Your monthly report is late. ケン : 月報が遅れているようだけど。
Jose : I’m sorry, I haven’t finished it yet. ホセ : すみません。まだ出来ていないです。
Ken : Why not? ケン : なぜですか?
Jose : I haven’t had time. ホセ : 時間がありませんでした。
Ken : You should have told me. ケン : それを僕に言っておくべきでしたね。
Jose : Sorry about that.
I’ll submit it as soon as possible.
ホセ : すみません。
Ken : I could have helped you if you had told me earlier. ケン : もっと早く言ってくれれば、助けてあげられたのに。

icon time

Quick Advice

adviser 「仮定法過去完了」の構文、“I could have helped you if you had told me earlier.” のif節の中は、〈had +過去分詞〉になります。
adviser なお、〈could /would /might + 動詞の原形, if +動詞の過去〉は、「もし~なら・・・なのに」という『現在の事実の反対の仮定や願望』を表す『仮定法過去』の用法です。
“I could help you if you told me earlier.” 「早く言ってくれれば、何とかしてあげられるところなんだけど(でも実際には、早く言わない)」
adviser 〈can/will/may + 動詞の原形, if +動詞の現在形〉は、『現実のことや現実に起こりうる可能性がある』ことを表す「直説法」の用法です。
“I can help you if you tell me earlier.” 「早く言ってくれれば、助けてあげます」(「早く言う」可能性はある)

Key Phrase


Repeat after your teacher.

You should have told me.
I could have helped you if you had told me earlier.

Vocabulary / Expression


Repeat after your teacher.

  • something else
  • monthly
  • submit
  • earlier
  • could have

Exercise A

エクササイズ A

Read the conversation aloud with your teacher. Fill in the blanks with a, b and c.
After that, fill in the blanks with your own words and practice the conversation with your teacher.

下記の会話の空欄に、a, b, cそれぞれの言葉を入れて、先生と一緒に音読してみましょう。

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Ken : Your monthly report is late.
Jose : I’m sorry, I haven’t finished it yet.
Ken : Why not?
Jose : I haven’t had time.
Ken : You should have ______. (a. let me know b. told me sooner c. given me a heads-up)
Jose : Sorry about that.
I’ll submit it as soon as possible.
Ken : ______ if you had told me earlier. (a. It wouldn’t have been a problem b. I could have asked Rob to help you c. You could have had extra time)

Exercise B

エクササイズ B (Vocabulary Building)

Choose the correct word from the box.

  • something else
  • monthly
  • submit
  • earlier
  • could have
  1. Are you looking for Ken? He just passed by _______.
  2. Do you still have time? There is still ________ ____ I would like to tell you.
  3. The deadline is next Friday. Please ______ your reports by that time.
  4. She _____ ____ married him but she didn’t want to.
  5. We have a ______ meeting. We talk about the company’s status once a month.

Exercise C

エクササイズ C

Situation : Your boss got mad at your colleague because he/she was not able to submit his report on time. Ask him/her why it happened and tell him/her what he/she should have done.

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