

Today's Point

Unit 18では、自分からアポイントメントの日程を提案する表現を学習しましたが、今日は相手の都合を聞く表現を学習しましょう。
adviser “When is convenient ?” 「いつ都合がいいですか?」に、『控え目さ』を表す助動詞の“would”を挿入し、かつ“for you”「あなたにとって」を加えることで、相手の都合を優先する気持ちを表現できます。“convenient”は「便利な」「都合がいい」という意味です。

Story of the Day


When would be convenient for you?

Ken : Hello, Laura. I’m terribly sorry.
Some urgent business came up.
Could we reschedule our meeting to Wednesday?
ケン : もしもし、ローラ。大変申し訳ありません。
Laura : I’m sorry. I won’t be able to make it on Wednesday. ローラ : すみません。水曜日は難しいです。
Ken : Could we postpone it to next week? ケン : 来週に延期していただけないでしょうか?
Laura : Sure. ローラ : わかりました。
Ken : When would be convenient for you? ケン : いつご都合がよろしいでしょうか?
Laura : Next Tuesday in the morning would be fine for me. ローラ : 来週火曜日の午前中は大丈夫です。
Ken : That would be great.
I look forward to meeting with you.
ケン : それはありがたいです。

icon time

Quick Advice

adviser “convenient” の他に、“available”「(人が)手が空いている/対応可能である」「話をする時間がある」もよく使われます。以下、比較してください。
“Are you available tonight?” 「今夜、あなたは空いてますか?」
“Is tonight convenient for you?” 「今夜はあなたにとって、ご都合はよいですか?」

Key Phrase


Repeat after your teacher.

When would be convenient for you?

Vocabulary / Expressions


Repeat after your teacher.

  • terribly sorry
  • urgent
  • came up
  • postpone
  • convenient

Exercise A

エクササイズ A

Read the conversation aloud with your teacher. Fill in the blanks with a, b and c.
After that, fill in the blanks with your own words and practice the conversation with your teacher.

下記の会話の空欄に、a, b, cそれぞれの言葉を入れて、先生と一緒に音読してみましょう。

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Ken: Hello, Laura.
Could we reschedule our meeting to Wednesday?
Laura: I’m sorry. ______. (a. I’m busy that day b. I can’t make it c. that doesn’t work for me)
Ken: What day would ______? (a. be convenient for you b. best suit you c. work for you)
Laura: Next Tuesday in the morning would be fine.
Ken: Great! That would work for us, too.

Exercise B

エクササイズ B (Vocabulary Building)

Choose the correct word from the box.

  • terribly sorry
  • urgent
  • came up
  • postpone
  • convenient
  1. The staff were not able to make it in time so they had to ________ the meeting.
  2. The manager needs the report as soon as possible. There must be an _____ meeting.
  3. I’m ______ _____ I was not able to attend your party.
  4. Sorry I’m late. Something urgent ____ __ so I had to finish it before coming here.
  5. When would be the most _______ time to talk with you?

Exercise C

エクササイズ C

Situation : You have a meeting with a client in two hours but your boss asked you to make a presentation that he needs immediately. Call your client (your teacher) and reschedule the meeting.

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