

Today's Point

adviser これまで何度も学習した、“Would you like ~.”や“May / Can I ~?” などの表現が大活躍します。
adviser 伝言を預かるときの表現は、“Would you like to leave a message?” 「ご伝言を残されますか?」、あるいは “May I take a message?”「ご伝言をお預かりしましょうか?」が使えます。
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Story of the Day

Peter : Can I speak to Tomokazu? ピーター : トモカズと話せますか?
Ken : I’m sorry, but he’s not at his desk right now.
Would you like to leave a message?
ケン : あいにく席を外しております。
Peter : Please tell him to call me back as soon as possible. ピーター : 出来るだけ早く折り返し電話をくださいと伝えてください。
Ken : Okay.
Can you spell your full name?
ケン : 承知いたしました。
Peter : Sure. It’s Peter May.
That’s P-E-T-E-R M-A-Y.
ピーター : はい。ピーター・メイです。
P-E-T-E-R M-A-Y です。
Ken : Thank you Peter.
Have a great day.
ケン : ありがとうございます、ピーター。
Peter : Thanks. You too. ピーター : ありがとう。あなたも。
Ken : It was for Sato-san. ケン : 佐藤さんに用事があったみたい。
Rob : Hey, your English is getting better already! ロブ : ねぇ、すでに英語が上手になってきてるじゃないか!

icon time

Quick Advice

adviser 「席をはずしている」は“be not at his desk”で、前置詞は「場所の一点」のatを使います。
他にも、“She is at the front desk of the hotel.” 「彼女はホテルのフロントにいます」のように使います。


“Could you spell your name?「お名前のスペルをおっしゃっていただけますか?」


“NAKAJIMA. N as in Nancy, A as in apple…”と答えます。 “as in ~”は「~にある」という意味です。相手に伝える単語は特に決まっていませんが、相手に伝わることが一番大切ですので、誰でも知っている単語を使いましょう。以下、一般的な単語例です。

A as in Alfred, Apple N as in Nancy, November
B as in Benjamin, Boy O as in Oliver, Orange
C as in Charlie, Canada P as in Peter, Paris
D as in David, Dog Q as in Queen, Quebec
E as in Edward, Easy R as in Robert, Rome
F as in Frank, Fox S as in Spain, Sugar
G as in George, Germany T as in Tokyo, Tiger
H as in Harry, How U as in United, Union
I as in India, Item V as in Victor, Victory
J as in Jack, Japan W as in William, Wax
K as in King, Kilo X as in X-ray
L as in London, Love Y as in Yellow, York
M as in Mike, Mother Z as in Zebra, Zulu


“He is on another line.” 「(彼は)他の電話に出ています」
“She is in a meeting all this afternoon.” 「(彼女は)午後はずっと会議中です」
“He is out of office now.”「(彼は)ただ今、外出しております」
“She is not in today.” 「(彼女は)本日は出社しておりません」
“He’s on a business trip.”「(彼は)出張中です」
“He’s gone for the day.”「(彼は)もう帰宅しました」

Key Phrase


Repeat after your teacher.

Would you like to leave a message?

Vocabulary / Expressions


Repeat after your teacher.

  • getting better
  • spell
  • out of the office
  • may I take a message?
  • full name

Exercise A

エクササイズ A

Read the conversation aloud with your teacher. Fill in the blanks with a, b and c.
After that, fill in the blanks with your own words and practice the conversation with your teacher.

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Peter : Can I speak with Tomokazu?
Ken : I’m sorry, ______. (a. he’s unavailable at the moment b. he’s on another call now c. he’s not in the office today)
______? (a. Would you like me to take a message b. Can I take a message c. Do you want to leave a message)
Peter : Please tell him to call me back as soon as possible.

Exercise B

エクササイズ B (Vocabulary Building)

Choose the correct word from the box.

  • getting better
  • spell
  • out of the office
  • may I take a message?
  • full name
  1. My ___ ____ is Ken Nakajima.
  2. I don’t know how to _____ some English words.
  3. He is not around. He is ___ __ ___ ______.
  4. I’m ______ _____ at speaking English. I practice my English with my teacher every day.
  5. I’m afraid he is not in the office right now. ___ _ ____ _ ______?

Exercise C

エクササイズ C

Situation : Your co-worker’s telephone is ringing but he is out for lunch. Take the call.

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