

Today's Point

受付に着いたらまず、〈”have an appointment” + “with” 人+”at” 時間〉の語順で、「誰と」「何時に」アポイントメントがある旨を明確に伝えましょう。
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Story of the Day


I have an appointment with Ms. Santos.

Ken : Hello, my name is Ken Nakajima.
I have an appointment with Ms. Santos at 10:30.
ケン : こんにちは。ナカジマ・ケンと申します。
サントスさまと10:30 からお約束しています。
Receptionist : Hello, Mr. Nakajima.
We’ve been expecting you.
Please head to the 7th floor.
Laura will be waiting for you there.
受付 : こんにちは、ナカジマさま。
Ken : Thank you very much. ケン : ありがとうございます。

icon time

Quick Advice

adviser アポイントメントなしで、訪問するときは、受付で下記のように伝えましょう。
“May I see Ms. Tanaka, please?” 「田中さまにお会いすることはできますか?」
“I would like to see Mr. Suzuki, please.” 「鈴木さまとお会いしたいのですが」
adviser なお、日本ではアポをとって会いに行く場合、目上の人は目下の人を待たせることがありますが、英語圏では正当な理由なく待たせることはまずありませんので、注意してください。

Key Phrase


Repeat after your teacher.

I have an appointment with _____.

Vocabulary / Expressions


Repeat after your teacher.

  • appointment
  • head to
  • I would like to see _____ please.
  • May I see ____ please.
  • business meeting

Exercise A

エクササイズ A

Read the conversation aloud with your teacher. Fill in the blanks with a, b and c.
After that, fill in the blanks with your own words and practice the conversation with your teacher.

下記の会話の空欄に、a, b, cそれぞれの言葉を入れて、先生と一緒に音読してみましょう。

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Ken: Hello. My name is Ken Nakajima.
I have an appointment ______ at 10:30. (a. with Mr. Jones b. today c. with the production team)
Reception: Hello Mr. Nakajima.
We’ve been expecting you.
Please ______. (a. head to the fourth floor b. go ahead to the meeting room c. wait here for a minute)
Ken : Thank you very much.

Exercise B

エクササイズ B (Vocabulary Building)

Choose the correct word from the box.

  • appointment
  • head to
  • I would like to see _____ please.
  • May I see ____ please.
  • business meeting
  1. Hi. _ _____ ____ __ ___ Mr. Nakajima, please.
  2. I have a ______ _____ with a very important client today.
  3. Please _____ __ the door on your right.
  4. Hello. I am here for an interview. ___ _ ___ Mr. Nakajima, please?
  5. Sorry, I have to go. I have a doctor's ___________ during lunch.

Exercise C

エクササイズ C

Situation : You arrived at your client’s office. Approach the staff and inform him/her of your appointment.

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