
今日の議題は、新製品の営業戦略。ケンが議長になって、みんなの意見を聞いています。すると、遅刻をしてきたスニルから、「大型受注には、運送費の値引きを提案するよ」 との発言が。ケンも賛成しています。スニルの参加を待ったのは正解でしたね。

Today's Point

adviser『提案』でよく使われる動詞の一つが“suggest”です。 使い方は、〈“suggest + 名詞”〉、〈“suggest ~ing”〉、〈“suggest + that ~”〉などです。つまり、“suggest”は、後ろに“to do”(不定詞)を取りません。
○ “I suggest a reduction in shipping costs for large purchases.”
○ “I suggest reducing shipping costs for large purchases.”
○ “I suggest that we reduce shipping costs for large purchases.”
× “I suggest to reduce shipping costs for large purchases.”
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Story of the Day


I suggest reducing shipping costs.

Hannah : Looks like we have everyone here. ハンナ : みんな揃ったようね。
Ken : Great. Let’s get started.
First of all, thank you everyone for joining the call.
I wanted to discuss with you about the sales strategy for our new product.
What do you think, Hannah?
ケン : よし、始めましょう。
Hannah : So far, our sales are above expectations.
I think we are on the right track.
ハンナ : 今のところ、売上は予想を超えてますね。
Ken : I see. What about you, Sunil? ケン : なるほど。スニルはどう?
Sunil : We are finding that our prices are not competitive.
I suggest reducing shipping costs for large purchases.
スニル : われわれの製品は、価格の競争力が低いと思うんだ。
Ken : I think that’s a good idea. ケン : それはいいアイディアだと思うな。

icon time

Quick Advice


“suggest” -相手の意思決定に「助言」を与える提案

✔ I suggest extending the release date. 「公表日を延期することを提案します」

“propose” -相手の意思決定を促す強い提案

✔ I propose that we put an ad on television. 「テレビに広告を出すことを提案します」


✔ I recommend this vendor. 「この業者をお勧めします」
adviser 『提案や要求』の意味を持つ動詞に導かれる内容を表すthat節の中の動詞には、原型動詞、または〈should + 原型動詞〉が来ることが多いです。例えば、“I suggest that she (should) be invited to the meeting.” 「彼女もこのミーティングに参加することを提案します」 のようになります。
adviser “be on the right track”は、直訳すると「正しい軌道上にある」ですが、「正しい方向に進んでいる」、つまり「このままで間違いない」という意味で使います。

Key Phrase


Repeat after your teacher.

I suggest _________.

Vocabulary / Expression


Repeat after your teacher.

  • expectations
  • on the right track
  • reducing
  • recommend
  • large

Exercise A

エクササイズ A

Read the conversation aloud with your teacher. Fill in the blanks with a, b and c.
After that, fill in the blanks with your own words and practice the conversation with your teacher.

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Ken : What do you think about our business strategy, Sunil?
Sunil : I suggest ______. (a. we invest more in green energy b. cutting labor costs c. we focus on expanding in the Southeast Asian markets)
Ken : I ______. (a. agree b. like that idea c. don’t agree with that)

Exercise B

エクササイズ B (Vocabulary Building)

Choose the correct word from the box.

  • expectations
  • on the right track
  • reducing
  • recommend
  • large
  1. Sales are steadily increasing. I think we are __ ___ _____ _____.
  2. Many people _______ this restaurant because of the delicious food.
  3. You owe him $1,000? That’s a _____ amount of money!
  4. I suggest ______ the overhead cost.
  5. You have done well with your job. You have met our __________.

Exercise C

エクササイズ C

Situation : Your company wants to increase sales of the new smartphone. Talk with your co-worker and get suggestions.

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