

Today's Point

adviser プレゼンの間に質問を受け付ける場合は、タイミングを見計らって質問の有無を尋ねましょう。例えば、「ここまでで、何かご質問はありますか?」と聞きたいときは、“Do you have any questions so far?”と聞きます。“so far”は「ここまでで/これまでのところ」という意味です。
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Story of the Day


Do you have any questions so far?

Ken : I’d like to move on to the next topic, the Eclipse V2.
Rob, would you mind giving everyone a quick explanation?
ケン : 次のトピック、Eclipse V2 に移りたいと思います。
Rob : The Eclipse V2 provides IoT solutions for today’s connected cars.
Please take a look at this graph.
As you can see, the demand for integrated smart car applications is steadily increasing.
We think this is the perfect opportunity to capitalize on this market trend.
ロブ : Eclipse V2 は、現在のコネクテッドカー向けIoT ソリューションを提供いたします。
Steve : That’s very interesting. スティーブ : とても興味深いですね。
Ken : Do you have any questions so far? ケン : ここまでで、何かご質問はありますか?
Laura : How is this product different from the previous model? ローラ : この製品は、従来のモデルとどう違いますか?
Ken : There have been several upgrades to the new model.
The main addition is the real-time diagnostics system.
ケン : いくつかアップグレードをした点があります。
Laura : This sounds like a great product! ローラ : とても素晴らしそうな製品ですね!

icon time

Quick Advice

adviser 最後に質問を受け付ける場合は、プレゼンの冒頭で、次のようにその旨を伝えましょう。 “We’ll have a Q&A session at the end of the presentation.”「プレゼンテーションの最後に、質疑応答の時間を設けさせていただきます」
adviser “Please take a look at ~.”「~をご覧になってください」は、プレゼンテーションの途中で、グラフや製品の現物などを見せるときの定型フレーズです。
adviser 英語でのプレゼンやスピーチ、英文emailでも、結論が先に来ます。例えば、
“I think product A is better than product B.”「A製品の方がB製品より優れていると思います」のように、まず結論を述べます。 続いて、“Though product A is slightly more expensive, it is much better quality.”「A製品はB製品より少し高いですが、品質ではかなり勝っています」と、その理由を説明します。

Key Phrase


Repeat after your teacher.

Do you have any questions so far?

Vocabulary / Expression


Repeat after your teacher.

  • solutions
  • graph
  • demand
  • capitalize
  • steadily increasing

Exercise A

エクササイズ A

Read the conversation aloud with your teacher. Fill in the blanks with a, b and c.
After that, fill in the blanks with your own words and practice the conversation with your teacher.

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Ken : I’d like to move on to the next topic, the Eclipse V2.
Rob : As you can see from this graph, the demand for integrated smart car applications is steadily increasing.
Steve : That’s very interesting.
Ken : ______ so far? (a. Is everything clear b. Do you have anything you’d like to ask c. Any questions)
Laura : ______? (a. How do your prices compare with your competitors b. What are some of the highlights of this product c. Does this product comply with environmental regulations)

Exercise B

エクササイズ B (Vocabulary Building)

Choose the correct word from the box.

  • solutions
  • demand
  • graph
  • capitalize
  • steadily increasing
  1. There are many _______ to one problem. Don’t give up!
  2. More and more customers visit our store every day. Sales are _____ ________.
  3. They saw that it was very hot outside so they sold cold water to _______ on the situation.
  4. The increase and decrease of the sales can be shown in a ______.
  5. People need food so some people sell food. That’s the law of supply and _______.

Exercise C

エクササイズ C

Situation : You are trying to sell your smartphone to your teacher. Show him/her the features of your smartphone and its advantages over other smartphones.

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