
デビッドとの価格交渉を成功させたケン。続いて、納期の交渉です。どうやらこれも思惑通りにいき、見積書の送付を依頼することになりました。「できるだけ早く見積書をお送りください」と伝えていますが、あれ、あの有名なフレーズ“as soon as possible”を使っていませんね。どうしてでしょうか?

Today's Point

“ASAP”と表されることもある“as soon as possible”「できるだけ早く」は、多くの人が知っている便利な表現です。ただし、実際に使うときには少し注意が必要です。意味は「可能な限り早く=大至急で」で、かなり強い表現です。さらに、「相手の都合を確認する」というニュアンスが含まれていません。
adviser 一方、今日学習するフレーズ、“at your earliest convenience”の直訳は、「あなたの(at your)もっとも都合がよいときに(earliest convenience)」で、「できるだけ早く」と訳しますが、”as soon as possible”よりも丁寧、かつ、相手のことを思いやる気持ちが入っています。
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Story of the Day


Please send me a quotation at your earliest convenience.

David : Hello Ken.
We’ve discussed it internally, and decided to take 10% off the unit price.
デビッド : こんにちは、ケン。
Ken : That’s great. Thank you.
I’d also like to discuss the shipment date.
The estimate you sent me earlier says 15 business days.
We need it sooner.
What is the soonest possible delivery date you can offer us?
ケン : それはよかった。ありがとうございます。
David : We should be able to deliver within 12 business days. デビッド : なんとか12営業日で納品できるかと思います。
Ken : Wonderful!
Please send me a quotation at your earliest convenience.
ケン : すばらしい!
David : Of course. デビッド : もちろんです。

icon time

Quick Advice



“unit price” 「単価」
“business day” ⇒ “15 business days” 「営業日」 = 「15営業日」
“delivery date” 「納品期日」
“shipment date” 「出荷日、発送日」
“order sheet/purchase order” 「発注書」
adviser “We should be able to deliver within 12 business days.” の“should”は、「~に違いありません」という意味で、『高い可能性』を表しています。以下、右から左が可能性の高い順から低い順です。
“It will / should / may / might rain tonight.” 「今夜は雨が降るよ/降るに違いありません/降るかもしれません/降る可能性はないとは言い切れません」

Key Phrase


Repeat after your teacher.

Please send me a quotation at your earliest convenience.

Vocabulary / Expression


Repeat after your teacher.

  • shipment
  • sooner
  • wonderful
  • at your earliest convenience
  • delivery date

Exercise A

エクササイズ A

Read the conversation aloud with your teacher. Fill in the blanks with a, b and c.
After that, fill in the blanks with your own words and practice the conversation with your teacher.

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David : We’ve discussed it internally, and decided to take 10% off the price.
Ken : That’s great. Thank you.
I’d also like to discuss the shipment date.
We need it as soon as possible.
______? (a. How soon can you deliver b. Can you expedite the shipment c. What is the best date you can offer)
David : We should be able to deliver within 12 business days.
Ken : Wonderful!
Please send me a quotation ______. (a. as soon as possible b. when you have a chance c. later today)
David : Of course.

Exercise B

エクササイズ B (Vocabulary Building)

Choose the correct word from the box.

  • shipment
  • sooner
  • wonderful
  • at your earliest convenience
  • delivery date
  1. Please send me an email __ ____ _______ _________.
  2. 5 days is too long. We need the products _______.
  3. The _______ will arrive this afternoon.
  4. The ______ ____ says the products will arrive within 5 working days.
  5. I saw the fireworks show last night. It was _________!

Exercise C

エクササイズ C

Situation : Your café needs the new batch of supplies as soon as possible. Call your supplier (your teacher) and negotiate on the delivery date.

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