

Today's Point

“This is our best offer.”は、文字通り「これは最大限のオファーです」という意味ですので、商談の最後、クロージングの決め言葉として使えます。ただし、こう言ってしまった後に、さらに値引きなどの譲歩をすると、却って信用をなくすことにもなりかねないので、「本当にこれ以上の提案はできない」というときに使いましょう。
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Story of the Day

Steve : Did you get a chance to talk it over with Rob? スティーブ : ロブと話し合いましたか?
Ken : Yes.
We considered your counterproposal.
And we decided to offer you a 15% discount.
This is our best offer.
ケン : はい。
Steve : You drive a hard bargain!
But yes, that’s fair.
スティーブ : なかなか手ごわいですね!
Ken : Great!
Would you like to make it official?
I can come back with a contract next week.
ケン : よかったです!
Steve : Yes. Please do. スティーブ : はい。そうしてください。
Ken : Excellent.
We look forward to doing business!
ケン : よかったです。

icon time

Quick Advice

adviser 「○○%割引」というときは、冠詞の“a”を付けて、“a ○○% discount”とします。
“tough bargainer”「タフな(あなどれない)交渉人」
“He is a tough bargainer but always gentle and soft-spoken.”「彼はタフな交渉人ですが、いつも優しく穏やかに話します」
adviser どうしてもそれ以上値引きできない場合、以下のように伝えることができます。
“I’m afraid I can’t make any further discounts on the price.”「これ以上の値下げはできかねます」

Key Phrase


Repeat after your teacher.

This is our best offer.

Vocabulary / Expressions


Repeat after your teacher.

  • counterproposal
  • talk it over
  • that's fair
  • official
  • drive a hard bargain

Exercise A

エクササイズ A

Read the conversation aloud with your teacher. Fill in the blanks with a, b and c.
After that, fill in the blanks with your own words and practice the conversation with your teacher.

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Ken : We considered your counter proposal.
We decided to offer you a 15% discount.
______. (a. This is the best we can offer b. It’s the best offer we can give you c. That is the best offer we can make)
Steve : You drive a hard bargain!
But yes, that’s fair.
Ken : Great!
Would you like to make it official?
Steve : Yes. It’s a deal.
Ken : Excellent.
______ to do business with you. (a. We’re very excited b. It would be a great privilege c. It would be our pleasure)

Exercise B

エクササイズ B (Vocabulary Building)

Choose the correct word from the box.

  • counterproposal
  • talk it over
  • that's fair
  • official
  • drive a hard bargain
  1. The client did not like our proposal. We need to make a ________________.
  2. Let’s make it _______. Let’s sign a contract.
  3. To _____ _ ____ ______ means to work hard to neogtiate in your favor.
  4. I can’t decide right now. I’ll have to ____ __ ____ with my manager.
  5. We couldn’t agree where to go so we stayed home instead. I think _____ ____.

Exercise C

エクササイズ C

Situation : You are selling your old laptop to your teacher, but she is asking for a huge discount. Tell him/her the best offer you can give.

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