
ジウは、韓国に帰ることになりました。ケン、寂しくなるね。でも、みんな、これから国際人として世界で活躍していくんだから、きっとまたどこかで会えるよ。さて、「乾杯のあいさつをさせてください」 と、ケンが音頭を取ります。ケンの、そしてみなさんのグローバルビジネス人としての未来に乾杯!

Today's Point

adviser ”make a toast”で「乾杯のあいさつをする」「乾杯する」という意味です。そして、”raise one’s glass(es) ”は「~のグラスを上げる」です。ちなみに、一般的な乾杯の掛け声は、皆さんご存知の“Cheers!”「乾杯!」ですね。
adviser 短いスピーチのコツは、「ワンポイント・アドバイス」をご覧ください。そして、先生に皆さんのスピーチの感想を聞いてみましょう。
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Story of the Day


I’d like to make a toast.

Mike : I’m going back to Korea next week.
Jiu, I heard you are going back at the same time.
マイク : 僕は来週韓国に帰るんだ。
Jiu : Yes, I am.
My job starts as soon as I go back.
ジウ : そうよ。
So Yong : Ken is going to miss you, Jiu! ソヨン : ケンが寂しくなるよ!
Jiu : I’ll miss him, too. ジウ : 私もよ。
Mike : Me, too!
I think Ken wants to make a speech.
マイク : 僕も!
Ken : Everyone, I’d like to make a toast.
Before I came to Cebu, I have never been outside of Japan.
This has been the most fascinating and unforgettable experience in my life!
I hope we’ll all cross paths again sometime.
Raise your glasses, everyone!
To our future as global business people!
ケン : 皆さん、乾杯のあいさつをさせてください。

icon time

Quick Advice

adviser 「私たちみんな」「私たち2人」の英語は、語をふたつ並べます(「同格」で、例えば「私たち」が「全員」なのか「一部」なのか明示するためです)。
“We all 〜.” 「私たちみんな」
“We two 〜.” 「私たち二人」
“You all 〜.” 「あなたがたみんな」
“You three 〜.” 「あなたたち3人」
“We all have to work.” 「私たちみんな働かなくては」



  1. If you are transferred to a foreign country, in which country do you want to work?
    Please include specific details in your explanation.
  2. What is your best decision you have ever made in your life?
    Please include specific details in your explanation.
  3. If you have a chance to learn another foreign language other than English, which language do you choose?
    Please include specific details in your explanation.
  4. If you had a chance to run a business, what kind company do you want to run?
    Please include specific details in your explanation.
  5. Which season do you like best?
    Please include specific details in your explanation.
  6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
    “Life-time employment is a good for workers.”
    Please include specific details in your explanation.
  7. Do you want to live in a small town or a big city to raise your children?
    Please include specific details in your explanation.
  8. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
    “The best way to watch a movie is to watch it at the movie theater.”
    Please include specific details in your explanation.
  9. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
    “Husbands should do the cooking as much as their wives do.”
    Please include specific details in your explanation.
  10. Do you want to move to a foreign country after your retirement?
    Please include specific details in your explanation.



1. 「イントロダクション(導入)」->2.「ボディー(本論)」->3.「コンクルージョン(結論)」

Key Phrase


Repeat after your teacher.

I’d like to make a toast.

Vocabulary / Expressions


Repeat after your teacher.

  • raise your glasses
  • cross paths
  • make a speech
  • fascinating
  • unforgettable

Exercise A

エクササイズ A

Read the conversation aloud with your teacher. Fill in the blanks with a, b and c.
After that, fill in the blanks with your own words and practice the conversation with your teacher.

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Mike : I think Ken wants to make a speech.
Ken : Everyone, ______. (a. I want to propose a toast b. I’d like to say a few words c. please let me give a toast)
This has been the most fascinating and unforgettable experience in my life!
I hope we’ll all cross paths again sometime.
Raise your glasses, everyone!
To ______! (a. our success b. a bright future c. world peace)

Exercise B

エクササイズ B (Vocabulary Building)

Choose the correct word from the box.

  • raise your glasses
  • cross paths
  • make a speech
  • fascinating
  • unforgettable
  1. I need to ____ _ _____ for tonight’s event.
  2. I hope we ____ _____ in the future. I will never forget you.
  3. Please _____ ____ ______ and let’s celebrate our achievements!
  4. The city lights as seen from the top of the mountain is a ________ view.
  5. This is indeed an _________ moment. I will remember this forever.

Exercise C

エクササイズ C

Situation : Make a speech from this topic - If you have a chance to learn another foreign language other than English, which language do you choose? Please include specific details in your explanation.

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